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Art of Rave & Terry Golden

Zdjęcie autora: Witold AugustynWitold Augustyn

Dzisiaj, na godzinę przed północą, na fali Radio.Safira.FM

O godz. 23:00 na fali Radio.Safira.FM, Terry Golden zaprasza na kolejną audycję ART OF RAVE! 🕚✨

Nasza wieczorna playlista:

&ME x Black Coffee - The Rapture Pt.III (Original Mix) [KeineMusik]

Goom Gum x RAFFA GUIDO - Famax (Goom Gum Remix) [Sin Zero Recordings]

Lana Del Rey x Anyma - Say Yes To Heaven (Anyma Extended Remix) [Universal Music]

Rhye - 3 Days Later (Extended) [Afterlife Recordings]

Genesi x Max Styler - See You Sweat (Original Mix) [Insomeniac Records]

Rampa &ME x Adam Port - Thandaza (feat. Alan Dixon) [KeineMusik]

ZAC ( CARMEE Remix) - Along Came Polly (Konstantin Sibold) [Afterlife Recordings]

Cherry (UA) - Story (Extended Mix) [Siona Records]

Losless x ARTBAT - Pull Out (Original Mix) [Upperground]

Loofy - Last Night (Anyma x Layton Giordani Extended Remix) [Nervous Records]

Carlita x Calussa - Fell In Luv (Black Circle Remix (Extended)) [Higher Ground]

CamelPhat - Running Man (Extended Mix) [MAHOLL Records]

&ME x Black Coffee - The Rapture Pt.III (Original Mix) [KeineMusik]

Goom Gum x RAFFA GUIDO - Famax (Goom Gum Remix) [Sin Zero Recordings]

Lana Del Rey x Anyma - Say Yes To Heaven (Anyma Extended Remix) [Universal Music]

Rhye - 3 Days Later (Extended) [Afterlife Recordings]

Dzisiaj, jak co tydzień o tej porze, na fali Radio.Safira.FM o godz. 23.00 "ART OF RAVE" - niech dzisiejszy wieczór stanie się rytmem!


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