Christmas Eve 🌌📻🎶

Worship with Andy Chrisman – Christmas Eve w Radio Safira - przez cały dzień!
Zapraszamy na świąteczne emocje z audycją "Worship with Andy Chrisman – Christmas Eve" w Radio Safira. Ta wyjątkowa audycja odbędzie się w sobotę i potrwa przez cały dzień.
Przeżyjmy razem magiczną zapowiedź Bożego Narodzenia z najlepszą muzyką worshipową.
Segment 1 (17m46s):
We Are Messengers - "Saviour"
Paul Baloche & All Sons & Daughters - "Joy To The World/Our God Saves"
North Point Worship - "Jesus Our Savior"
Lauren Daigle - "Noel"
Segment 2 (17m35s):
Church On The Move Worship - "Hark The Herald Angels Sing (All Glory)"
Central Live - "Could This Be"
Matt Redman - "Hearts Waiting (Joy To The World)"
Chris Tomlin & We The Kingdom - "Christmas Day"
Segment 3 (20m25s):
Planetshakers - "O Come All Ye Faithful"
LIFE Worship - "Hope Is Here"
Tommee Profitt & Rachel Lampa - "O Little Town Of Bethlehem"
Christ Church Choir - "Way Maker"
Segment 4 (14m46s):
Hillsong Worship - "Born Is The King (It’s Christmas)"
Sovereign Grace Music - "Heaven Has Come To Us"
Phil Wickham - "Angels We Have Heard On High"
Matt Maher & The Choir Room - "Go Tell It (Gloria)"
Segment 5 (23m29s):
Building 429 & Terrian - "Hope Is Here (Do Not Fear)"
Saddleback Worship – "Behold"
Lincoln Brewster - "Our God"
Lexington Road - "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus"
Tasha Cobbs Leonard - "The First Noel"
Segment 6 (17m31s):
Sandra McCracken - "Ring The Bells"
4HIM - "Do You Hear What Hear?"
River Valley Worship - "His Name Will Be"
Austin Stone Worship - "The Wait Is Over"
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